Roof maintenance shouldn’t be left on the back burner. Small leaks could already be a sign of serious underlying issues. We don’t want these issues to escalate.

As homeowners, we’re responsible for ensuring each part of their home is in top condition. Left unchecked, small damages could lead to added labor and repair costs.

When you suspect roof damage, it’s high time you call quality roofing contractors. But, when’s the right time to do so?

When Is The Right Time To Use A Roofing Contractor?

Our roof isn’t just an investment in aesthetics. It’s an investment for the safety and security of our family. So, call qualified roofing contractors if your house fits these criteria:

Your Roof is Around 20 Years Old

Age significantly affects our roof’s performance. If your roof is close to the 20-year mark, it’s best to contact the professionals to see if there are any underlying issues.

Contractors can visit your home for a thorough and in-depth inspection using the proper tools. Some even offer free consultations or site visits.

But, you can also do a bit of inspecting yourself. Look for signs of accumulated moss, algae, or moisture. Broken shingles are also clear indicators of potential underlying issues.

Buckling Shingles

Asphalt shingles are among the most common roofing materials used in most homes. If you can see curling or buckling shingles, this could eventually lead to cracks.

Sometimes, shingles can fall down due to buckling or curling, especially when your area is exposed to constant harsh weather such as storms, strong winds, hail, or snow.

Keep a lookout for fallen shingles in the gutters. This is a clear sign of deterioration that needs to be assessed by professionals.

Cracked Or Missing Shingles

As mentioned above, cracked or missing shingles are clear indications of damage. Bad weather, deterioration, or old age could be the cause of shingles falling off.

But sometimes, this can be one of the signs of a bad roofing job. Poor installation or repairs can even lead to premature damage, especially if your area has a large squirrel population.

Squirrels can burrow between them, causing damage. If seeing shingles on the ground becomes a recurring issue, your best course of action would be to call the professionals.

Leaky Flashing

Flashing in older homes can be made with sheet metal or tar. Sheet metal became popular for its durability but it can easily lose its effectiveness as your roof gets older.

Over time, you can expect issues such as leaky flashing near your chimney. So, be sure to keep a watertight connection between the chimney and the roof.

Leaky flashing can lead to additional repair, material, and labor costs. You’d also need to shell out more cash if the chimney itself is damaged.

Unwanted Spotlights

If you can see daylight in places where it shouldn’t be—that’s an issue. Homeowners with attics should check if daylight is passing through the roof boards.

While you’re in the attic, check for moisture build-up in the insulation. When rainwater pools in an area, it could cause leaks. These leaks could lead to mold or algae growth.

Left unattended, this can cause serious exterior and interior damage. So, check where the flashings are installed as rainwater can often pool near these areas.

Tips For Choosing A Roofing Contractor

If you fit the criteria above, then it’s about time you call a roofing contractor. But, with a surplus of contractors available, choosing the right one for you might be difficult.

To help you out, here’s a quick list of tips and hints on how you can choose the perfect roofing contractor for you.

Cheapest Isn’t Always Best

Price is the ultimate deciding factor for which contractor service you can hire. But, contractors with cheaper service fees may use cheaper materials to compensate for their pricing.

The cheapest contractors on the market might also have the least experience or poor service. So, before getting a quote, check the reviews and testimonials online.

Make Sure Your Get Paperwork

Whether it’s for estimates or final quotations, get everything in writing. This ensures that both you and the contractors have a reference point if any issues arise during the project period.

Independent or Firm?

For smaller repairs, independent contractors might get the job done faster and save you a ton of money. Larger projects such as new roof installations might require a roofing firm with a dedicated project manager.

Always Get A Site Visit Conducted

Get a site visit when possible. Most contractors would probably offer a free site visit. This benefits homeowners as contractors could do in-depth investigations and offer a more accurate quotation.

Get A Timeline Provided

A project needs to have a timeline. Make sure the timeline is provided as part of the written quote. The timeline of the actual project might differ, but at least you get a rough estimation. When issues arise, you can also refer back to the timeline as well.

Ask For Up-To-Date Licenses

Some states like Texas don’t require contractor licenses. But, if you live in an area that does, ask if they have up-to-date licenses. This helps ensure that you’ll be working with professionals.

Investigate Reviews And Ask For References

Reviews and references are the best way to ensure the quality of a contractor’s work. You can easily find reviews or testimonials on a contractor’s social media or website.

Ask If Clear Up Is Included

Working on repairs or installments can leave a ton of debris. So, ask if your contractor handles clearing up or cleaning, especially when it comes to old roofing materials.

Investigate Their Complaints Procedure

What happens if you don’t like the output of a contractor’s job? Don’t speculate and ask beforehand what their protocol is for complaints.

Find Out What Happens When Extra Work Is Required

There will be cases when contractors find deeper issues. When this happens, extra work is often required. Asking about their procedure for when this happens helps you prepare.

Key Takeaways

The smallest of roof damage can be caused by deep underlying issues. So, when you suspect something off or see noticeable damage to your roof, it’s best to call qualified contractors. But, before you do, consider the following:

  • Don’t go for the cheapest contractors without checking the reviews/testimonials.
  • If your roof is around 20 years old, have a contractor check for issues.
  • Have everything in writing before signing. This includes timelines and cost estimates.
  • Identify if your project needs an individual contractor or the help of a firm.
  • Always get a site visit when possible so contractors can investigate in-depth.

If you’re looking for a contractor for roof replacements or repairs near Burlington, NJ, Trenton has got you covered. Request a free estimate today!

Alex Valentino

Alex Valentino – Vice President

Leading the way for the company’s second generation of family and employee ownership, Alex’s mission is to create lasting relationships built on trust and respect by providing uncompromising workmanship and unparalleled customer service. With a focus on safety and consumer education, Trenton Roofing strives to set the bar for the advancement of the roofing industry and the betterment of our local communities. When he is not working, Alex can be found traveling with his fiancée, watching football or playing a relaxing round of golf with his friends.